Types of Database Users

Types of Database Users

Database Administrators

In any organization where many persons use the same resources, there is a need for a chief administrator to oversee and manage these resources. In a database environment, the primary resource is the database itself, and the secondary resource is the DBMS and related software. Administering these resources is the responsibility of the database administrator (DBA). The DBA is responsible for authorizing access to the database, for coordinating and monitoring its use, and for acquiring software and hardware resources as needed. The DBA is accountable for problems such as breach of security or poor system response time. In large organizations, the DBA is assisted by a staff that helps carry out these functions.

 Database Designers

Database designers are responsible for identifying the data to be stored in the database and for choosing appropriate structures to represent and store this data. These tasks are mostly undertaken before the database is actually implemented and populated with data. It is the responsibility of database designers to communicate with all prospective database users in order to understand their requirements, and to come up with a design that meets
these requirements. In many cases, the designers are on the staff of the DBA and may be assigned other staff responsibilities after the database design is completed. Database designers typically interact with each potential group of users and develop views of the database that meet the data and processing requirements of these groups. Each view is then analyzed and integrated with the views of other user groups. The final database design must be capable of supporting the requirements of all user groups.

 End Users

End users are the people whose jobs require access to the database for querying, updating, and generating reports; the database primarily exists for their use. There are several categories of end users:

• Casual end users occasionally access the database, but they may need different information each time. They use a sophisticated database query language to specify their requests and are typically middle- or high-level managers or other occasional browsers.

• Naive or parametric end users make up a sizable portion of database end users. Their main job function revolves around constantly querying and updating the database, using standard types of queries and updates-called canned transactions-that have been carefully programmed and tested. The tasks that such users perform are varied: Bank tellers check account balances and post withdrawals and deposits. Reservation clerks fur airlines, hotels, and car rental companies check availability for a given request and make reservations.
Clerks at receiving stations for courier mail enter package identifications via bar
codes and descriptive information through buttons to update a central database of received and in-transit packages.

• Sophisticated end users include engineers, scientists, business analysts, and others who thoroughly familiarize themselves with the facilities of the DBMS so as to implement their applications to meet their complex requirements.

• Stand-alone users maintain personal databases by using ready-made program packages that provide easy-to-use menu-based or graphics-based interfaces. An example is the user of a tax package that stores a variety of personal financial data for tax purposes. A typical DBMS provides multiple facilities to access a database. Naive end users need to learn very little about the facilities provided by the DBMS; they have to understand only the user interfaces of the standard transactions designed and implemented for their use. Casual users learn only a few facilities that they may use repeatedly. Sophisticated users try to learn most of the DBMS facilities in order to achieve their complex requirements. Stand-alone users typically become very proficient in using a specific software package.

System Analysts and Application Programmers

(Software Engineers)
System analysts determine the requirements of end users, especially naive and parametric end users, and develop specifications for canned transactions that meet these requirements. Application programmers implement these specifications as programs; then they test, debug, document, and maintain these canned transactions. Such analysts and programmers- commonly referred to as software engineers-should be familiar with the full range of capabilities provided by the DBMS to accomplish their tasks.


In addition to those who design, use, and administer a database, others are associated with the design, development, and operation of the DBMS software and system environment. These persons are typically not interested in the database itself. We call them the “workers behind the scene,” and they include the following categories.

• DBMS system designers and implementer are persons who design and implement the DBMS modules and interfaces as a software package. A DBMS is a very complex software system that consists of many components, or modules, including modules for implementing the catalog, processing query language, processing the interface, accessing and buffering data, controlling concurrency, and handling data recovery and security. The DBMS must interface with other system software, such as the operating system and compilers for various programming languages.

• Tool developers include persons who design and implement tools-the software
packages that facilitate database system design and use and that help improve performance. Tools are optional packages that are often purchased separately. They include packages for database design, performance monitoring, natural language or graphical interfaces, prototyping, simulation, and test data generation. In many cases, independent software vendors develop and market these tools.

• Operators and maintenance personnel are the system administration personnel who are responsible for the actual running and maintenance of the hardware and software environment for the database system. Although these categories of workers behind the scene are instrumental in making the database system available to end users, they typically do not use the database for their
own purposes.

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