Change Password For Existing MySQL User

How To Change MySQL Password of Existing User?
MySQL Change a User Password
Suppose your MySQL user is “my-mysql-user” and you want to set a new password “mynewpassword“, then follow the procedure below to change the password:

Login to MySQL shell by running the following command and enter password for root user when prompted:

mysql -uroot -p

After logging into MySQL shell, run the following command:

mysql> use mysql;

mysql> SET PASSWORD FOR 'my-mysql-user'@'localhost' = PASSWORD('mynewpassword');
Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.00 sec)

Alternatively you can also use the below command:

mysql>UPDATE mysql.user SET Password=PASSWORD('mynewpassword') WHERE User='my-mysql-user' AND Host='localhost';

Finally run the following command:


Now the password for “my-mysql-user” has been changed to “mynewpassword“. You may login to MySQL shell by the following command:

mysql -umy-mysql-user -pmynewpassword

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