Ansible playbook to start or stop AWS EC2 instances
How to start or stop ec2 instances with ansible
Ansible task to start and stop ec2 instances
Ansible supports modules to interact with AWS to manage the ec2 instances. In this post we are going to see the task/playbook that can stop and start the ec2 instances.
Note: if you don’t have ansible installed, get it installed from here.
Note: You must set your AWS access key and secret key in your ~/.bashrc file as shown below
Stop ec2 Instance
Now, let’s see the playbook to stop the ec2 instance
- hosts: myserver
remote_user: ubuntu
- name: Gather facts
action: ec2_facts
- name: Stop myserver instance
module: ec2
region: "ap-southeast-1"
instance_ids: "{{ansible_ec2_instance_id}}"
state: stopped
Here the hosts ‘myserver’ should be defined in the hosts inventory file.
The ec2_facts gathers information about myserver like the instance_id
The module ec2 is used to stop the instance with state stopped.
Run the above playbook to stop the instance.
ansible-playbook -i hosts stop-myserver.yml -vvvv
Start ec2 instance
We can start the ec2 instance with ansible by the following playbook
- name: Start instances
hosts: localhost
gather_facts: false
connection: local
region: ap-southeast-1
- name: Start the feature instances
instance_ids: '{{ instance_ids }}'
region: '{{ region }}'
state: running
wait: True
The instance_ids has to be specified to let the ansible know which all instances we want to start.
The region should be changed as per the region of the instance.
Now run the playbook as follows to start the instance.
ansible-playbook -i hosts start-myserver.yml -vvvv