Setup Nginx newrelic plugin to Monitor Nginx

Monitor Nginx with New Relic Plugin: Nginx

To setup Nginx New Relic Plugin, there are some prerequisites stated below:
  • Ruby (>= 1.8.7)
  • Bundler for Ruby
  • At least one running Nginx or Nginx Plus instance with ngx_http_stub_status, a module: (enabled by default on Nginx package install)
  • a New Relic account

Lets start to setup all above mentioned requirements:

1. Install Ruby

sudo apt-get install ruby-full

2. Install Bundler

gem install bundler

3. Setup a instance that runs Nginx or Nginx Plus on it. To install Nginx you can follow link. And to configure Nginx with your application, you can follow link.

4. Setup New relic account here.
Now we are ready with all the prerequisites requied to set New Relic Nginx plugin.

Lets begin setup for plugin:

1. Install nginx-nr-agent

To install this agent, edit source list first.

sudo vi /etc/apt/sources.list

Add the following line in it

deb trusty nginx
deb-src trusty nginx

save and exit. Now run

sudo apt-get update

Install the nginx-nr-agent

sudo apt-get install nginx-nr-agent

2. Now add your licence key in the following file

sudo vi /etc/nginx-nr-agent/nginx-nr-agent.ini



add the source in the same file at the end


3. Add Status page setting in nginx conf file. 

Remember, here myserver.conf will be the conf file that you made while configuring nginx with your application. Replace myserver.conf with your server conf file name.

First open the server configuration file:

sudo vi /etc/nginx/myserver.conf

Add following lines:

location /status {
# Turn on nginx stats
stub_status on;
# I do not need logs for stats
access_log off;
# Security: Only allow access from localhost IP #
# Send rest of the world to /dev/null #
deny all;

Save and Exit.

4. Now reload the setting of nginx

sudo service nginx reload

5. check if the nginx is returning the status or not from the localhost

curl localhost/status

output should be as below:

Active connections: 1
server accepts handled requests
12967 12967 19118
Reading: 0 Writing: 1 Waiting: 0

6. Now since the nginx is returning the status, we can start the plugin

sudo service nginx-nr-agent start

Nginx Plugin setup is done. You can see stats of Nginx on Plugin Tab of New Relic now.

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