Uninstall chef-client
Simple way to uninstall chef-client on Linux or Mac
How to uninstall chef client
The way to uninstall chef-client on different Linux distributions and Mac differs, since each uses different package managers. This post will guide you for all Linux distributions and Mac operating System.
For Debian/Ubuntu Linux distributions
First insure, is there dpkg package available for chef:
dpkg --list | grep chef
Then, to uninstall:
sudo dpkg -P chef
For RedHat/CentOS/Fedora Linux Distributions
First you need to find all the chef related packages on your system. For this issue:
rpm -qa *chef*
Now, uninstall all the listed packages by above command through
sudo yum remove <chef-packages>
For Mac OS X
First remove the chef directory located in /opt/
sudo rm -fr /opt/chef
Now, remove other related package
sudo rm -f /usr/bin/chef-* /usr/bin/knife /usr/bin/ohai /usr/bin/shef
And, you are Done!