Installing Docker in Virtual Box
Installing Docker in Virtual Box on Ubuntu
In this tutorial we will see the easy way of installing docker along with the required packages and making the docker command sudo free.
Install necessary packages
sudo apt-get install libapparmor1 aufs-tools ca-certificates
Head over to to download the latest version of docker. After downloading run the following command to install.
sudo dpkg -i docker-engine_1.9.1-0~trusty_amd64.deb
Now check the docker version
docker --version
output should be
Docker version 1.9.1, build a34a1d5
To use docker command without sudo , let’s add our user to docker group, in this case am adding ‘ajeet’ user to docker group
sudo usermod -aG docker ajeet
Now, shutdown the virtual Box and restart it again for the changes to take effect.
Next we will install docker-compose. Click here to know how to install docker-compose.
Docker Tutorials: