How to apply AJAX in Django forms
How to apply AJAX in Django forms
This post will help you to apply AJAX in Django forms. Here we will learn to update drop down according to the selection in previous drop down. So lets start.
Scenario: We will generate a form using Django form that will contain two fields Program, Batch. User will first select the Program name from the drop down list. On the basis of selection, the Batch drop down list will be updated.
Step 1. First create Django Form
To create Django form, make a file inside your Django app.
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from django import forms # importing Django's forms library from sample.models import Course, Batch # import models from app ''' form defination ''' class Update_form(forms.Form): '''Query for fetching all available course and provivding them as choices ''' available_courses = course.objects.values_list('course_name', flat = True) course_choices = [('', '----------')] + [(id, id) for id in available_courses] batch_choices = [('0', '-----')] #empty batch choice field ''' Update_form fields ''' programme = forms.ChoiceField(course_choices,required=True, widget=forms.Select(attrs={'required':'required'})) batch = forms.ChoiceField(batch_choices,required=True, widget=forms.Select(attrs={'required':'required'})) |
here sample is the Django app and Course, Batch are model classes.
Step 2. Create a end point in
Inside your, add
Since course id will be like IC, IT hence w is used in regex part of the url.
Step 3. Apply AJAXin .js file
$(document).ready(function(){ $('#id_programme').change(function(){ c_id =$(this).val(); request_url = 'login/get_batch/' + c_id + '/'; $.ajax({ url: request_url, success: function(data){ data = $.parseJSON(data); //console.log(data); $('#id_batch').html('<option selected="' + "selected" + '">' + '' +'</option>'); $('#id_batch').append('<option value="' + key + '">' + value +'</option>'); });
Step 4. Now write view function
Add following in
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def get_batch(request, c_id): '''queries to fetch batch corresponding to current programme selected by user''' current_course = feedback_form.models.course.objects.get(course_name=c_id) batches = feedback_form.models.batch.objects.all().filter(course_id=current_course) batch_dict = {} for batch in batches: batch_dict[batch.batch_id] = batch.batch_id data = [batch_dict, no_of_sem] return HttpResponse(json.dumps(data)) def update(request): if request.method == 'POST' and request.is_ajax: form = Update_form(request.POST) b = request.POST.get('batch') form.fields['batch'].choices = [(b, b)] #to include selected option in batch choice field if form.is_valid(): q = feedback_student_info(batch_id = request.POST['batch'],course = request.POST['programme']) else: form = loginForm() |
Step 5. Render the form
In template folder of your app where other template files (.html file) is present, add a new .html file.
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<html> {% if form.errors %} <p style="color: red;"> Please correct the error{{ form.errors|pluralize }} below. </p> {% endif %} <form action="" method="post"> {% csrf_token %} <table> {{ form.as_table }} </table> <input type="submit" value="Submit" /> </form> </html> |
and you are done!
, views.get_batch, name = ‘get_batch’)
Since course id will be like IC, IT hence w is used in regex part of the url.
Step 3. Apply AJAXin .js file
Step 4. Now write view function
Add following in
Step 5. Render the form
In template folder of your app where other template files (.html file) is present, add a new .html file.
and you are done!
Is there a way to use the above with django model forms?
The same procedure will go on, except Django form, you will be using model form.
Thank you so much. It helped a lot.:)